I got Tagged buy a lovely fellow Scottish gal, Suzi for the Happy 101 tag- Thank you hun =)
What to do is write 10 things that you love and then pass the tag onto 10 fellow bloggers... sounds easy peasey =)
So Here we go...
Family- I absolutely love my family and would do anything for them! I dont get to see them all the time as i live away from home but speak to my mum every day.
They are always very happy with how i am doing and always look out for me and my mum is like a sister and best friend to me, she knows everything! - which i think is nice to have a relationship like that! I am also planning on moving in with my little brother after the summer which i am looking forward too =)
Friends- My friends are my world and would trust them with my life! I love spending time with them and having girly days/ weekends and having lots of giggles.
Music- I cannot go a day without listening to music, it completes my day and gives me a boost first thing in the morning when i am getting ready. I feel that music can make you feel better when your low and how much a song can relate to an issue your goin through is amazing.
My Hair- I love looking after it and try lots of different products on it, im obsessed with it being soft haha. And love visiting the hairdressers =)
Make up- I never leave my flat with no make up on, i have very light lashes so i at least leave with mascara. I love putting on make up and experimenting, you feel like a totally different person with it on. Its like my security blanket, i feel good in it.
My phone- Its attached to me at all times, I feel lost without it if i leave it at home.
Photos- Memories are the best thing you can have and photos are the best way of capturing it. Sometimes i can be a bit camera friendly but i have lots of good pictures to show for it.
Cristiano Ronaldo- He's my little piece of eye candy =)
My Puppy- I love her to bits! even though she lives at home with my parents i get lots of pictures to see how much she is growing. Really do miss her and cant wait to see the ball of fluff soon =)
Shopping- I am addicted to shopping, im like Becky Bloomingdale from confessions of a shopaholic- No joke! Shopping makes me very happy and if i have money, i spend it! I lovethe feeling of coming home with something you cant wait to wear on your next night out...
Here are the bloggers i have tagged-
Kate Shaw @ http://cinnyswindow.blogspot.com
Miss Vendella @ http://vendellablog.blogspot.com
Stace. @ http://helloimstacee.blogspot.com
Clair @ http://missadorn.blogspot.com
Dreams That Glitter @ http://georgiexox.blogspot.com
Those Three Wordsx @ http://thosethreewordsx.blogspot.com
Carrsky @ http://carrsky-carrsky.blogspot.com
Caz @ http://thisiscaz.blogspot.com
♥ Chloë ♥ @ http://makeuprincess84.blogspot.com/
ImogenFoxyLocks @ http://imogenfoxylocks.blogspot.com/
Hope you all take part and sorry if you have already been tagged..xox
I really enjoyed doing this =)